Thursday, June 7, 2007

Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis

I posted this pic in color for a reason: I thought it was important to put up a detailed image of one of these things--as detailed as James would allow. And I didn't want to make too big a deal of it, after all. Didn't want to frighten him or make him think this was too big a deal--beyond asking him to avoid picking at it, that is.

The image is enlarged--that's my thumb and forefinger parting his hair. The pustule is irritated because he'd itched it and torn part of the scab off...

EPF is what the dermatologist would call this: eosinophilic pustular folliculitis. At its worst, James would have dozens of these on his face and dozens more on his scalp. Chronically. From the time he was a year old until after his third birthday, he always had a face and scalp full of these open invitations to fungal and bacterial infection. Just seeing one today made me cringe and feel cold inside. He's been fighting a cold and a cough. Is it a coincidence or is there some other reason this showed up? I haven't seen one in years.

We don't know exactly why they abated. Going on the antibiotics probably helped. Staying healthy for more than a couple of days at a time also could not have been a bad thing...



Anonymous said...

All the running around, plus the cough, could have made him more susceptible to something like that. I know we're exhausted (and my younger one inherited the cough). I'd go for that explanation before worrying about something else...

Spectrum of Possibilities said...

MIUS: I'm sure you're right. A little rundown and a little seasonal combatitiveness: we both have some eczema going on since we got back home and since we always get something this time of year, I figure we're allergic to something blooming.

It just triggers the post-traumatic stress...

(Sorry we brought you the cough!)